Josh – Leaving Prison 
Even before coming to St. Leonard’s Place, I was hearing that it’s a really good support system to help you get back on your feet. They don’t set you up to fail so you have a fair chance to achieve your goals and get back on your feet. I wanted the proper resources to get my identification, help with my resume, refer me to job agencies, stuff to help me be more self-sufficient.
Now that I’m here, I can say that the staff are always open to help and give you opportunities to better yourself. It’s a pretty positive environment. I appreciate St. Leonard’s for accepting me, because I was anxious about getting accepted when I entered my application, so I appreciate that. To whoever it may concern, I’m thankful for being here.
Some advice to someone going through a tough time:
I think you pretty much create your own first impression on everything when you get here. It’s a fair shot at life again for those people coming out of difficult situations. Don’t expect the people working here are out to get you, looking at you through a negative filter. They’re not.
Jake – Experienced Homelessness 
In 2016 I started experiencing delusions and paranoid thinking and some hallucinations that eventually got me hospitalized… at some point I had to realize that things weren’t going to change unless I sought help. I looked at places that could help me, and St. Leonard’s seemed most suited to my needs and the goals I wanted to eventually reach.
When I came to St. Leonard’s, I was in a really dark place in my life. The first couple months were rough because I was living far away from my family, and I missed them. But the staff here really soothed things, they made sure I was okay, they always asked me if I needed something or if there was a problem. They’re caring and compassionate. They did a great job. I could go on for longer saying examples of how the staff were great, but basically: they’re always there to help and they listen. They do their best to help out.
Some advice to someone going through a tough time:
When you’re having a problem, if you have a family, and they’re willing to help, really listen to them. Even if you may not always agree with them, family is so important. They want the best for you. But whether you have a family or not, St. Leonard’s Place is really good to give that kind of support people need when times are tough.
Dave – Overcoming Addiction 
I was down and out with addictions and alcohol. I was in bad shape. I really needed stability, housing, and a drug and alcohol free environment. St. Leonard’s Place Peel gave me that clean, safe environment. A place to figure out where I was going for the rest of my life. The staff has been supportive. The main thing for me is the real stability, and just knowing there’s structure… the structure is keeping me away from my addictions.
Some advice to someone going through a tough time:
Don’t ever think it’s over. I thought it was over many times. But life is what you make of it, and I proved to myself that there still is hope no matter how bad off you are. It doesn’t seem like it at some points…but I definitely have a way more positive outlook for the final chapter of my life. I didn’t think that was possible, but with St. Leonard’s, I found it. I’m on the right path. Don’t give up.